Tribute Wall
Service to Celebrate Gerald's Life
1:00 pm
Saturday, May 20, 2023
Grace Community Church
229 Park Street
Brockville, Ontario, Canada
Lee Brewster uploaded photo(s)
Thursday, March 30, 2023




I had a lot of wonderful memories with my dad. He taught me about Jesus’s love, what it means to be a good man, fishing, chopping wood, planting in our family vegetable garden, and truck driving. He will be missed deeply. I am truly gratefully for the wonderful times we shred and I am proud to be his son.
Melissa Brooks uploaded photo(s)
Wednesday, March 29, 2023



My loving Grandpa oh how I will miss you dearly. Love you always ❤️
The family of Gerald Ephriam Brewster uploaded a photo
Thursday, March 23, 2023

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1033 Prince Street Lansdowne, Ontario | 137 Pearl Street East Brockville, Ontario |
Tel: (613) 659-2127 FE ~ 254 Funeral Establishment Operator Class 1 | Tel: (613) 342-2792 FE ~ 61 Funeral Establishment Operator Class 1 |